Guillem Jover <> writes:

> Hi!



> I agree that the ->new interface for Dpkg::Control::Info is annoying
> and inconsistent with the other classes in the library, and should be
> fixed at least out of consistency.
> So I'm going to fix this in two ways. One to add support to that
> constructor (and the Dpkg::Substvar one) to take either a scalar or a
> hash as argument. And if the hash has a filename => undef, then it will
> not load the file. Probably deprecate the sclar form in the future.
> And by changing Dpkg::Interface::Storable's load()/save() to allow
> passing an IO handle to the method, so that one can do something like:
>   my $ci = Dpkg::Control::Info->new($fh);
>   $ci->load($fh);
> Does this sound good?

Yes, but to be sure, let me summarise, with your proposition I could

- pass an IO::Handle to the new constructor:

  #+begin_src perl
  use Git::Repository;
  my $repo = Git::Repository->new(work_tree => '/some/where');
  my $control_ref = $self->dist_branch . ':debian/control';
  my $control_fh = $repo->command(show => $control_ref)->stdout;
  my $control = Dpkg::Control::Info->new($control_fh);

- Pass “{filename => undef}” to the new constructor and then pass the
  IO::Handle to “load()”:
  #+begin_src perl
  use Git::Repository;
  my $control = Dpkg::Control::Info->new({filename => undef});
  my $repo = Git::Repository->new(work_tree => '/some/where');
  my $control_ref = $self->dist_branch . ':debian/control';
  my $control_fh = $repo->command(show => $control_ref)->stdout;

Maybe it miss the “pass a filename string” to the constructor and
“load()” for compatibility, since this method automatically use

Daniel Dehennin
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