
Just adding my 5c here since I've previously been at the receiving
end of the very same bug.

On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 10:17:52AM +0200, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> live-tools/wheezy is buggy, causing install/upgrade failures in other
> packages (wheezy: #779888, upgrade: #781725).
> The underlying dependency issue has been fixed in jessie long ago,

Next stop - stable proposed update then?!

> but that is not sufficient to get a working upgrade ordering without
> adding Breaks against the buggy wheezy version somewhere:
> This happened because live-tools/jessie has not yet been unpacked and
> instead the buggy replacement update-initramfs from live-tools/wheezy gets
> used.
> dmsetup is not required in a wheezy installation of live-tools, but gets
> pulled in during the upgrade to jessie.
> This could be fixed (I verified this by building a patched lvm2 and using it
> in a piuparts test) by adding
>   Breaks: Breaks: live-tools (<< 4.0.1-1)
> to dmsetup to change the unpacking order and get rid of the broken live-tools
> before configuring dmsetup, but that has been rejected by the lvm2
> maintainer (#778828).

I think spreading workarounds for this issue all over the archive is
not very nice. If anything, we should have a stronger policy against
packages diverting stuff and not allow them in the archive without
multiple developers supporting their existance and making sure bugs
like the one in live-tools does not exist.

If you really want to solve this and similar issues in a generic way
for the future I'd suggest an extension to apt(itude) is developed
to always pull in a meta-package first during dist-upgrade (or
when it detects a new suite has been added during update). This
meta-package can then carry all workarounds in one place.

> Note that removing live-tools from jessie won't solve this upgrade issue.

I suggest simply documenting "aptitude purge live-tools" as one of the
pre-upgrade checks to do prior to upgrading to Jessie in the release notes.

You might argue that noone reads the release notes, but then they get
what they deserve. Let user support forums deal with it. According
to popcon the live-tools install-base is very marginal anyway.

Andreas Henriksson

PS. this was "solved" in util-linux by dropping the update-initramfs call
given that initramfs-tools >= 0.117 did not make it into Jessie. Apparently
now the new version has been allowed to migrate?!.... This means initramfs
will contain outdated versions of files from util-linux. I've already
had enough of this issue and will now simply stick my head in the sand and
say that other people can deal with any issues related to initramfs (and

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