reassign 780822 debbugs
user 780822
usertag 780822 process

On Fri, 20 Mar 2015, Matthias Klose wrote:
> initial bug reports don't have the URL in the bug report. it would be
> nice to have this URL included in the bug report, either in the
> orginal report, or in a follow-up message.

Currently, no messages which are sent through the BTS have any URLs or
anything included. The only messages which have them are messages which
originate from the BTS itself.

I don't really want to start modifying messages which are sent through
the BTS; it's fraught with all sorts of peril, from breaking signatures
and breaking encoding, to issues with DKIM.

A compromise could be adding an additional header; X-Debbugs-URL: or something like that. Would that be

Don Armstrong            

All my dreams came true.
I just didn't think them through.
 -- a softer world #388

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