Control: reopen -1
Control: found -1 0.48.5-3

On 2015-02-09 17:34:07 +0000, Alex Valavanis wrote:
> The upstream developers believe this bug was fixed upstream sometime
> before Please feel free to reopen if it's still present in
> more recent versions.

I started to write that I could no longer reproduce the bug... until
I remembered that font config could have some effect, which was
confirmed when I looked at fonts used in the generated PDF file.

If I use

<alias binding="same">

in my ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf file, then everything is fine.
But if I do not use this, then the spacing is wrong when I open the
SVG file in inkscape.

Note: I initially used the above code to avoid bitmap fonts. Indeed,
without the above code:

$ fc-match Helvetica
helvR12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz: "Helvetica" "Regular"

and with the above code:

$ fc-match Helvetica
Arial.ttf: "Arial" "Normal"

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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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