Package: release-notes

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---

Hi Niels,

I reviewed the patch and corrected some typos and spaces.
Moreover, I'd prefer to use ..."corresponding" instead of "necessary" in the "If
your local setup requires..." sentence, merely a question of style, though.
Take it or leave it :-)

Attached you'll find the diff of the patch. I renamed it using 0002-...
I hope that's ok.


Stephan Beck

Index: 0001-en-issues-Document-the-base-password-shell-reset.patch
--- 0001-en-issues-Document-the-base-password-shell-reset.patch	(Revision 1)
+++ 0001-en-issues-Document-the-base-password-shell-reset.patch	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 +  <systemitem role="package">base-passwd</systemitem></title>
 +  <para>
 +    The upgrade of <systemitem role="package">base-passwd</systemitem>
-+    package will reset the shell of system users that is provides to
++    package will reset the shell of system users that is provided to
 +    the "nologin" shell.  This includes the following users:
 +  </para>
 +  <itemizedlist>
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@
 +  <para>
 +    If your local setup requires that any of these users have a shell,
 +    you should say no to migrating or migrate and then change the shell
-+    of the necessary users.  Notable examples includes local backups
++    of the corresponding users. Notable examples include local backups
 +    done via the "backup" user with an "ssh-key" authentication.
 +  </para>
 +  <caution>
 +    <para>
 +      The migration will happen automatically if your debconf question
-+      priorty is "high" or above.
++      priority is "high" or above.
 +    </para>
 +  </caution>
 +  <para>
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 +  <para>
 +    Where <replaceable>username</replaceable> is the name of the user
 +    in question and <replaceable>current-shell-mangled</replaceable>
-+    is the mangled name of the shell.  The mangling is done by
++    is the mangled name of the shell. The mangling is done by
 +    replacing all non-alphanumerical, non-dashes and non-underscores
 +    with underscores.  E.g. /bin/bash becomes _bin_bash.
 +  </para>

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