unarchive #768326
reopen #768326
reassign #768326 mate-screensaver
tag #768326 - wontfix
tag #767120 - moreinfo
tag #767120 + upstream
merge #768326 #767120

Hi Shirish, hi Sebastian,

On  Di 09 Dez 2014 21:16:02 CET, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:

Control: reassign -1 mate-screensaver
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-screensaver/issues/57

On 2014-12-10 00:49:05, shirish शिरीष wrote:
Hi Sebastian,
Thank you for taking the time out and trying to get the bottom of
this. i'm using mate desktop and don't think I'm using any custom
config here.

It seems I have to use the mate power manager sleep inhibit applet but
even using that does not get it right. It seems there is some issue
with mate power manager inhibit applet itself which they are not able
to work it out (as of yet).

Looking forward to see if you can help in this matter.

I'm sorry, but I won't be able to help you here. This looks a lot like
mate-screensaver bug and needs to be addressed in mate upstream (see
the mentioned upstream issue). Once mate supports the required DBus
interfaces, this will just work.

Re-assigning to mate-screensaver.


The proposed DBus solution mentioned in the upstream bug report [1] seems to be the correct approach here. This won't be fixable for jessie anymore, though.


[1] http://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-screensaver/issues/57


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