I've experienced the same problem (I believe) as Mourad.
My computer became totally unresponsive, however after a few minutes I
managed to launch iotop and saw that upowerd was swapping like crazy - I
deduce that it was a symptom of a memory leak. Just the thing that was
fixed in 0.99.1-3.1:
upower (0.99.1-3.1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Non-maintainer upload.
* debian/patches/git-fix-memleak.patch
- Memleak fix. Taken from upstream git head, commit 4221835f
(Closes: #766762).
-- Michael Banck <mbanck@d.o> Fri, 28 Nov 2014 16:24:34 +0100
After upgrading to 0.99.1-3.1, just as with Mourad, my laptop has remained
quiet and well.
I think it'd be good to ask the release managers to let 0.99.1-3.1
propagate to jessie.
Has anybody asked them yet to let 0.99.1-3.1 propagate to jessie?
Otherwise I'd ask them to do so.
PS: thank you Michael for finding and patching the problem!
On Thu, 4 Dec 2014, newbee...@nativobject.net wrote:
Le 04/12/2014 00:26, Tomas Pospisek a écrit :
you wrote:
After standby cycle, using the laptop, and plugged it to power, upowerd
become crazy and start to consume more and more memory and 100% of a
cpu !
I think this might have been fixed in 0.99.1-3.1 :
Could you please try out that version and report back here, if it fixes the
Yes, I also think so...
It never happened since the last update and I heavly using standby mode.