[dropping #770827 from Cc, keeping #614569, changing subject]

On Tue, Dec 02, 2014 at 07:45:26PM +0100, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
I'm inclined to simply add that -s option.  If the database was schema-
correct, it will stay so, and it it wasn't, then upgrade isn't the best
time to point that out.  There isn't much to test on such a change.

I don't like interrupting upgrades either, but if we don't check correctness during reloads, I don't know what other opportunity we have. I suppose you could argue it's the admin's concern and not ours.

Anyway, I'm not the one you have to convince, rather someone who actually has the ability to sponsor your NMU. ;) But I don't have concrete objections to the change, only a general fear of "unknown unknowns", as some call them.

To do any better, you'd need separate dumping decisions on each configured database, which would be nice (ATM only BDB and HDB need this, after all) but that may be too much for a last-minute change.

For stretch, I plan to implement Matthijs' idea:

The default for schemachecking is off in olcSyncrepl, so the solution here is to check if the directory is a slave and based on the schemachecking use the -s flag.

Eventually (2.5) that will be needed for mdb too. It should be a relatively small change.

Also, do you think some pre-agreement from the release team would be needed before the upload?

Yes, you'd definitely want a pre-approval (via an unblock request: reportbug release.debian.org, attach a source debdiff) before uploading (but after securing a sponsor).


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