Hi Damyan,

Thanks for your analyses and your patch!

Le 26/11/2014 16:56, Damyan Ivanov a écrit :
> Package: xul-ext-greasemonkey

> The first time the browser is started after installing
> xul-ext-greasemonkey it loads
> http://www.greasespot.net/p/welcome.html?utm_source=xpi&utm_medium=xpi&utm_campaign=welcome&utm_content=2.2
> This is a privacy breach.
> The following patch removes the code that phones home (applies to 
> 2.3-1 too).

Could you please make a team upload with this fix to unstable? The
window for accepting important fixes for Jessie closes on December 5th,
it would be nice if this fix could make it in time.


David, who made the last team uploads for this package, and who is
currently having network access issue.

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