On 2014-11-27 08:51, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> A Dijous, 27 de novembre de 2014, Niels Thykier va escriure:
>> [...]
> Hi Niels,
> at this point I accept anything that release team propose me to put pcl in 
> Jessie. But, I would like to note some points:
> - if we don't put libpcl-apps1.7 Multi-Arch, pcl could not be fully Multi-
> Arch. But also I have to say, that not all the pcl suite depends libpcl-apps. 
> It could be delayed till Jessie release and after upload it.

I realise this is a consequence of my request.

> - I'm no a DD. I depend of Nobuhiro. If he has no problem, I prepare -5 
> version with your proposing changes. But, I can understand that Nobuhiro 
> could 
> begin to hate me and pcl.

I would hope that it will take more than an extra upload to make him
hate you.  :)
  But if he does not have capacity for this extra upload (which is
certainly a valid issue), I am certain we can find another DD to sponsor
your -5 upload.

> - to add Multi-Arch to libpcl-apps1.7 is not a big change IMHO. All it's done 
> to make it Multi-Arch, however I forget to add this line.

I realise that it seems like a small change.  But we are here exactly
because pcl claimed the -dev to be multi-arch:same compliant, when in
fact it did not comply with the requirements of multi-arch:same.

> Your propose implies that we have to prepare a new version of the package, 
> built, upload to mentors, ask to Nobuhiro to download, built?, and upload to 
> ftp-master and fill another Unblock to pcl/1.7.2-5. Think I need more or less 
> 1 hour of time to build pcl in a dual amd64 quadcore server.
> I don't know what more to say...
> Leopold

Yes, except for the fact that I would strongly prefer you reused this
unblock request rather than filing a new one.

Forgive me, if it seems like I am putting an unnecessary burden on you.
 From my perspective, I am getting 15+ unblock requests a day for
changes.  It is generally in my interest to not get another one for
approving a change that causes a regression.


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