
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 09:39:36PM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 10:04:34AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > On Sun, 23 Nov 2014, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> > 
> > We can consider a new upstream version for squeeze-lts
> > and we can ask the security team's opinion for wheezy.
> > 
> > Would you like to prepare a 4.46.0-1~deb6u1.dsc working in
> > squeeze and submit it for review to debian-...@lists.debian.org ?
> See below.  It does not look like simple re-versioning and safe
> backporting without careful review.
> > It would be nice if you could test it though, because we don't
> > have many testers before release...
> This package is one of those python package using debian/rules as:
> %:
>         dh $@ --with python2

As I checked oldstable package

        dh $@

If everything is clean and neat, this change should have been the only
thing needed for backports for important things, but things are a bit

> I am not really motivated to do this ....

I looked into this anyway.  This squeeze package was made before I
reorganized packaging to my taste.  

The source comes with setup.py.  I now use setup.py to generate files to
be installed for wheeze/jessie.  Back then, the source was patched and
installed directly from source tree.  There are patches such as:

# For Debian Python-support
--- a/getmail_maildir
+++ b/getmail_maildir
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@

 import os

 from getmailcore.message import Message
 from getmailcore.utilities import *
 from getmailcore.exceptions import *

Hmmm... this python-support thing, I do not remember how it should be

It looks like modules were installed into
/usr/share/getmail4/getmailcore by getmail.install.  This does not look
normal search path used even in these days.  That was why these
sys.path.append() was needed.  Yack.

Although I am not comfortable to package this way if I do it again (I
inherited it and did not touch it back then.), I should do the same
strange packaging style again considering oldstable update if I do.

If I have time, I may make test package...

I need to check how python-support package used to be used back then.

If anyone can give my guidance for how lts packages should be made in
this case, let me know.  (Now I am leaning to follow the old ugly
packkging style of squeeze package.)


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