On mar, nov 25, 2014 at 05:57:02 +0100, Didier Roche wrote:
> Le 25/11/2014 17:48, Alessandro Ghedini a écrit :
> >On mar, nov 25, 2014 at 05:30:25 +0100, Didier Roche wrote:
> >>Le 25/11/2014 17:09, Alessandro Ghedini a écrit :
> >>>On mar, nov 25, 2014 at 04:12:00 +0100, Didier Roche wrote:
> >>>>Here is the patch for slim, I'll add to that bug other impacted DMs and
> >>>>proposing patches.
> >>>I don't get it, how is your patch different than mine (which mimics what 
> >>>lightdm
> >>>does)? Btw, you may also want to look at #759005.
> >>>
> >>>Cheers
> >>It's handling the mask unit case, meaning that if you systemctl mask
> >><service>, it won't come back .
> >Ah, ok, that makes sense.
> >
> >Re: handling of this in jessie+1, did you mean having Alias=display-manager 
> >and
> >enabling the dfault with systemctl enable ...? If so, is it going to be kept 
> >in
> >sync with /etc/X11/default-display-manager?
> >
> On @Alias: exactly (actually systemctl --force enable if another display
> manager is already the default to force the new symlink). We still have to
> discuss and find a way to gracefully handle /etc/X11/default-display-manager
> to stay in sync though. One of the goal is to avoid the current preexec
> which is failing (and letting you down) if it doesn't match anymore what is
> enabled and what is the default.
> I guess we'll have a patch on systemctl for this and if
> Alias=display-manager -> update /etc/X11/default-display-manager. The
> postinst will read from /etc/X11/default-display-manager after the debconf
> prompt  Aas of now (but will be way smaller).

I wonder if this could be made into a debhelper script (kinda like dh_installwm
but for display managers), so that there wouldn't be any need to copy-paste
postinst snippets from other packages.

> The remaining question is how to handle people editing
> /etc/X11/default-display-manager manually. Any input/ideas welcome :)

Do people actually do that? Maybe having a systemd generator thet reads the file
and creates display-manager.service accordingly (not sure if that's possible).
Though that would make any manual change to the symlink useless...

Anyway, I'm not really much of an expert in these things, I only got involved
because I wanted xdm to use the systemd service...


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