Package: transmission-qt
Version: 2.84
Severity: important

No translation for this client and not only on Debian GNU/Linux, but
Ubuntu too (tested on a secondary laptop at home with Ubuntu 14.10). I'm
running Debian GNU/Linux Sid branch and I did notice this bug some
months ago, but I preferred to wait for a fix till now. I asked about it
at the Debian Spanish Translation Team mailing list, because I thought
it was a translation problem in first place. Then a partner of mine,
Innocent De Marchi, noticed it was a code-level bug.

It says:

"appTranslator.load (QString (MY_CONFIG_NAME) + "_" + QLocale::system
().name (),
QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath () + "/translations");"

and my partner suggested this to be changed to:

"appTranslator.load (QString (MY_CONFIG_NAME) + "_" + QLocale::system
().name (),

So it always look for the correct translation if it's available into
your system. In fact, the translations are already there, but it's
impossible to find by the transmission-qt client.

Transmission-qt tries to load the l10n file from the "/translations"
subdir, but it is actually located at

We tested it and it worked, we moved the transmission_es.qm to
«/usr/bin/translations/» which didn't exist, and we had spanish for
transmission-qt. But this is no actual or valid solution...

Thanks in advance for taking time in reading this bug report.

Free Software Foundation Associate Member #9537
Manuel "Venturi" Porras Peralta

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