Package: transmission-qt Version: 2.84 Severity: important No translation for this client and not only on Debian GNU/Linux, but Ubuntu too (tested on a secondary laptop at home with Ubuntu 14.10). I'm running Debian GNU/Linux Sid branch and I did notice this bug some months ago, but I preferred to wait for a fix till now. I asked about it at the Debian Spanish Translation Team mailing list, because I thought it was a translation problem in first place. Then a partner of mine, Innocent De Marchi, noticed it was a code-level bug.
It says: "appTranslator.load (QString (MY_CONFIG_NAME) + "_" + QLocale::system ().name (), QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath () + "/translations");" and my partner suggested this to be changed to: "appTranslator.load (QString (MY_CONFIG_NAME) + "_" + QLocale::system ().name (), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath));" So it always look for the correct translation if it's available into your system. In fact, the translations are already there, but it's impossible to find by the transmission-qt client. Transmission-qt tries to load the l10n file from the "/translations" subdir, but it is actually located at «/usr/share/qt4/translations/transmission_es.qm» We tested it and it worked, we moved the transmission_es.qm to «/usr/bin/translations/» which didn't exist, and we had spanish for transmission-qt. But this is no actual or valid solution... Thanks in advance for taking time in reading this bug report. -- Free Software Foundation Associate Member #9537 Manuel "Venturi" Porras Peralta
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