On Wed, 2014-11-26 at 19:57 +0000, Steve Hnizdur wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for that. I'm not sure exactly what I was running that was 
> incorrect. I set up the system with a
> apt-get install xen-system-amd64
> with a source file pointing at jessie. Therefore all the xen packages 
> came via this route.
> What do I need to change to get 64 bit userspace? I would like to run 
> 64/64/64.

Assuming you don't want to just reinstall...

That would involve doing a "cross-grade" from 32- to 64-bit userspace
using multiarch. I've seen people doing this in various blog posts and
things but AIUI is not for the faint of heart and I expect it isn't
strictly speaking "Supported".

Oh, it's even on the wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/CrossGrading and
there are some links to blog posts at the bottom, maybe it's not as
scary as I imagined.

If your real aim is just to install the amd64 Xen tools bits and not to
replace your entire userspace then I think (but I've never tried it) you
could enable amd64 as a foreign arch (as that wiki page describes) and
then just apt-get install the Xen related packages with the :amd64
suffix to force it to reinstall those as amd64.


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