* Martin Michlmayr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-30 20:25]:
> > Jack seems to have a facility to load encoders from plugins located in
> > ~/.jack_plugins (by default). It seems I can actually add
> > DistributedCommand there.
> > 
> > Please document this.
> I couldn't find any documentation either and had to look at the code.
> I'll add the followng to the man page.  I think that makes it clear
> but if not, let me know.

Actually, I think one thing is missing in this explanation: that you
need to activate the plug-ins.  Arne, please apply this patch after
the original one below.

diff -urN jack-3.1.1~/jack.man jack-3.1.1/jack.man
--- jack-3.1.1~/jack.man        2005-12-03 21:44:52.000000000 +0000
+++ jack-3.1.1/jack.man 2005-12-03 22:26:34.000000000 +0000
@@ -525,9 +525,14 @@
 .BR jack_plugin_cddb.py
 (to define a new FreeDB server) and
 .BR jack_plugin_lame.py
-(to show how rippers and encoders can be defined).  Plug-ins can also be
-used to define your own rippers and encoders which uses different options
-than those used by default by jack.
+(to show how rippers and encoders can be defined).  After defining
+plug-ins, you have to manually select them by specifying the ripper,
+encoder, or CDDB server.  An example would be:
+jack --encoder-name plugin_lame --ripper plugin_foo --server plugin_cddb
+Plug-ins can also be used to define your own rippers and encoders which
+uses different options than those used by default by jack.
 There are several environment variables which can be used in jack's exec

Original patch:
> diff -urN jack-3.1.1~/jack.man jack-3.1.1/jack.man
> --- jack-3.1.1~/jack.man      2005-07-30 00:17:58.000000000 +0100
> +++ jack-3.1.1/jack.man       2005-07-30 20:22:39.289263856 +0100
> @@ -53,6 +53,11 @@
>  .B /etc/jackrc
>  or by saving them to
>  .BR ~/.jack3rc .
> +Additional rippers, encoders and FreeDB servers can be defined by users
> +through the help of a plug-in directory (as defined by the
> +.BR plugin_path
> +option which defaults to
> +.BR ~/.jack_plugins ).
>  .PP
>  While Jack is running, these keyboard commands are available:
>  .RS
> @@ -500,6 +505,29 @@
>  jack -O --remove-files ; gnoise *wav ; jack -g *wav ; jack
>  .RE
>  Just replace gnoise by the operation you'd like to perform.
> +Additional rippers, encoders and FreeDB servers currently not known by jack
> +can be defined using jack's plug-in mechanism.  Plug-ins have to be put in
> +the
> +.BR ~/.jack_plugins
> +directory (or the path defined by the
> +.BR plugin_path
> +option).  The plug-ins are simple Python scripts which define a hash with
> +the values for your ripper, encoder or FreeDB server.  For rippers and
> +encoders, the hash
> +.BR plugin_helpers
> +has to be defined while additional FreeDB servers are specified in
> +.BR plugin_freedb_servers .
> +Both expect another hash whose names corresponds to the entry you want to
> +add (prefixed by
> +.BR plugin_ )
> +and have to define certain values.  Two examples are provided,
> +.BR jack_plugin_cddb.py
> +(to define a new FreeDB server) and
> +.BR jack_plugin_lame.py
> +(to show how rippers and encoders can be defined).  Plug-ins can also be
> +used to define your own rippers and encoders which uses different options
> +than those used by default by jack.
>  There are several environment variables which can be used in jack's exec
>  hooks:
Martin Michlmayr

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