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On Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:02:14 +0700
phaoost <> wrote:

> Package: sylpheed
> Version: 3.5.0~beta1~r3426-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> I am unable to send mails through sylpheed while it's checking for new
> messages. The dialog comes up saying it's not possible. 

I don't remember such dialog now. What's the exact wording of that dialog? (a
screenshot is also OK)

> As I am not MSDOS version user, I would expect it will queue mail and will
> send it immediately or at the earliest possibility. 

Sylpheed has a "Send later" button next to the "Send" one, which allows this.

You have to decide when it's the earliest possibility though, and press the
"Send queued messages" in main window. Is that good enough for you?


P.S.: Please, don't remove bug address from Cc on replies.
 Ricardo Mones
 «Don't take life seriously, you'll never get out alive.»

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