Control: tags -1 + confirmed


2014-10-08 13:22, Guillem Jover:
> Some time ago I went hunting for instances of old Status field values,
> and found cupt used them (probably inspired by apt's code or docs).
> So let's clean this up. More details in the commit message. :)

Thanks! I will take it into 2.9.0.

Definitely not from code (Cupt didn't borrow a single line of code from
APT), but probably from [1]. I don't remember the whole thing, I guess
that's the best source I had found in 2008, and apparently it happily sit for 6
years as nobody noticed. And yeah -- in 2008 dpkg had 'hold' in
'package flags' in its own man page. And I even remember times when it was
'man 8 dpkg' not 'man 1 dpkg' so I could extract even something more
ancient from there... Huh, it was fun trying to dig it up from the past.


> The patch is not build-tested, and I'm not sure if this breaks ABI,
> as I've not checked the structure of the source and how it percolates
> into the shared library, etc.

That's fine, 2.9 already has API(/ABI) breaks scheduled.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)
C++ GNU/Linux userspace developer, Debian Developer

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