Hi Tanguy,

On Tue, 2014-09-30 at 22:51 +0200, Tanguy Ortolo wrote:

> Tobias Frost, 2014-09-27 17:02+0200:
> >On a friendi's machine we just installed dokuwiki with lighttpd as webserver.
> >During installation, debconf askes for a password as intended.
> >However, the password is not set when trying to login (login error, wrong 
> >password)
> >Instead, the "default" password, as stated in README.Debian does work.
> This is strange, since my config script is supposed to set that default 
> password only if the question is not to be shown:
>          my @ret = input("high", "dokuwiki/wiki/password");
>          input("high", "dokuwiki/wiki/confirm");
>          my $skipped = 0;
>          if ($ret[0] == 30) {
>                  # debconf is configured to skip even high priority questions;
>                  # this is insane but we will have to set a default password
>                  # nonetheless
>                  $skipped = 1;
>          }
>          @ret = go();
>          if ($skipped)
>          {
>                  set("dokuwiki/wiki/password", "fix-your-debconf-settings");
>                  set("dokuwiki/wiki/confirm", "fix-your-debconf-settings");
>          }
> Before I add some additional safety, like
> `if ($skipped && get("dokuwiki/wiki/password") eq "")`, could you by 
> chance tell me how debconf is configured on that server?

Sorry, don't have access to the server, but the install was a standard
Jessie-based debian install with no tweaks on the debconf settings.
I as also in front of the screen when we installed it, so  I can confirm
you that the password prompt was issued.

I just reproduced this in a sid-chroot. (the one I use to build
packages, not neccessarrily 100% clean)

This is what I did:
$install lighttpd php5 php5-cgi dokuwiki
(bside other questions debconf asks for password)
$lighty-enable-mod fastcgi fastcgi-php dokuwiki
Note: This fails with the message Ignoring unknown module: dokuwiki
$dpkg-reconfigure dokuwiki
(Now one can select lighttpd and I deselected apache2 -- which is not
installed )
For the other options I selected the defaults; NOTE, that this time
debconf did NOT ask for the password, but AFAIK this is OK as debconf
would not repeat questions if already asked).
cat /etc/dokuwiki/users.auth.php
(which seems to be the md5 for "fix-your-debconf-settings")


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