Control: tags -1 + patch

Attached is a patch which implements backports colour coding.

I have used the same colours that are already in use for the watch and
Ubuntu version comparisons.

  green: Backport version is in sync with version in testing
  magenta: Backport version is greater than version in testing
  navy blue: Backport version is lower than version in testing

The patch also adds a full title for the backport, to display the same
information as is displayed for stable etc versions. I have removed the
link for stable-backports, as these are now in the main pool (but
oldstable-backports retain a link to the old backports pool).


Index: developer.wml
--- developer.wml	(revision 3261)
+++ developer.wml	(working copy)
@@ -378,8 +378,10 @@
 	": package in stable proposed updates (not shown if also in stable security)" . html_br();
     $help_data .= html_blank(). html_span("Light blue", "", "proposed-updates-new") . ": package " .
 	html_a("pending", "";) . " for stable proposed updates (not shown if also in stable security)" . html_br();
-    $help_data .= html_blank(). html_span("Dark purple", "", "bpo") . ": package on " .
-	html_a("", "";) . html_br();
+    $help_data .= "oldstable and stable backports are color-coded against the version in testing (since wheezy backports have been integrated into the main pool)" . html_br();
+    $help_data .= html_blank().html_blank(). html_span("green", "", "uptodate") . ": Backport version is in sync with version in testing" . html_br();
+    $help_data .= html_blank().html_blank(). html_span("magenta", "", "behind") . ": Backport version is greater than version in testing" . html_br();
+    $help_data .= html_blank().html_blank(). html_span("navy blue", "", "ahead") . ": Backport version is lower than version in testing" . html_br();
     $help_data .= html_blank(). html_span("Purple", "", "testing") .
 	": testing version" . html_br();
     $help_data .= html_blank(). html_span("Green", "", "unstable") .
@@ -674,13 +676,10 @@
 /* annotate version number with mouseover title */
 function format_version($package, $version, $class)
-    global $uploads_db;
     global $releases_re;
     if (!$version or !strcmp($version, "-"))
         return "-";
-    $changedby = dba_fetch("ch:$package:$version", $uploads_db);
-    if (!$changedby)
-        $changedby = "(no projectb data found)";
+    $changedby = changed_by($package, $version);
     $pclass = $class;
     if(preg_match("/(-[0-9]+\.|\+nmu)[0-9]+$/", $version))
         $class = "nmu";
@@ -692,6 +691,18 @@
     return html_span($version, "", $class, "title=\"$pclass: $changedby\"");
+/* package changed by */
+function changed_by($package, $version)
+    global $uploads_db;
+    if (!$version or !strcmp($version, "-"))
+        return "-";
+    $changedby = dba_fetch("ch:$package:$version", $uploads_db);
+    if (!$changedby)
+        $changedby = "(no projectb data found)";
+    return $changedby;
  This function prints a package table information row
@@ -905,7 +916,22 @@
                     if ($tag) {
                         $url = dba_fetch("$tag-url:$package", $incoming_db);
                         $title = dba_fetch("$tag-title:$package", $incoming_db);
-                        $ver .= html_br() . html_a($version[$subdist], $url, $subdist, $title);
+                        if ($tag === "bpo" or $tag === "oldstable-bpo") {
+                            //Append the changed_by information to the title
+                            $title .= ": " . changed_by($package, $version[$subdist]);
+                            // Compare bpo version to testing
+                            $bpo_version = substr($version[$subdist], 0, strpos($version[$subdist], "~bpo"));
+                            $ver_comp = debversion_compare($bpo_version, $version['testing']);
+                            $class = $ver_comp > 0 ? 'behind' : ($ver_comp < 0 ? 'ahead' : 'uptodate');
+                            if (strpos($title, "squeeze-backports") !== False) { // squeeze backports are not in the main pool
+                                $ver .= html_br() . html_a(html_span($version[$subdist], "", $class), $url, $class, $title); 
+                            } else {
+                                $ver .= html_br() . html_span($version[$subdist], "", $class, "title=\"$title\"");
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            $ver .= html_br() . html_a($version[$subdist], $url, $subdist, $title);
+                        }
                     } else {
                         $ver .= html_br() . format_version($package, $version[$subdist], $subdist);

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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