Package: bluedevil
Version: 2.0~rc1-2

I install Debian Jessie in my PC. I use KDE desktop, it defaults to install
bluedevil and the following packages:

bluetooth           5.21-3
bluez               5.21-3
bluedevil           2.0~rc1-2
obexd-client        0.48-2+b1

I could send pictures from PC to phone/notebook via bluetooth. But I could
not send pictures from phone/notebook to PC via bluetooth. The sender said
'No Service at receiver' or 'Connection error'.

I tried to look error messages of those daemons. I found there is a trouble
when invoking obxed-client.

I review bluetooth's package information. It suggests to install
bluez-obexd, but bluez-obexd conflicts with obexd-client. I decide to
install bluez-obexd instead of obexd-client. Finally, the file transferring
between my PC, phone and notebook are flowing.

I am using Debian GNU/Linux testing (jessie).
Linux kernel 3.14-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.14.15-2 (2014-08-09) x86_64



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