Florian Ernst <florian_er...@gmx.net> (2014-09-09):
> Hello there,
> On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 03:07:36AM +0100, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> > On Wed, 2014-05-07 at 15:05 +0200, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> > > This is the commit which is reverted in 3.2.58, which fixes these
> > > issue:
> > > 
> > > https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/bwh/linux-3.2.y.git/commit/?id=2e59f013993a74bf31366a59bcf36be830d0f058
> > 
> > Thanks.  This should be included in a security update shortly.  (Yes,
> > even though it is not security-related.)
> Hmm, it was updated, and thanks for that. But the d-i kernel in Wheezy
> wasn't updated accordingly: it is still based on 7.5, so right now
> installing on such a device is only possible using the 7.4 installer. 
> However, during such an installation, the most recent kernel from
> security.debian.org will be installed and thus the system will boot. So
> it's not all bad, yet still the common netboot scenarios which just have
> the most recent installer available will break. :)
> I couldn't find any plans to update the installer with the most recent
> Wheezy kernel, but I take it they exist?

d-i is usually rebuilt against latest kernels (as in: available in
stable-proposed-updates, be it because it was synced from security, or
because maintainers uploaded a package to that suite) for point
releases. If I'm not mistaken there were some known, bad regressions,
and that's why that update/rebuild was skipped.


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