Please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] in your replies.

2005/11/28, Eric House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I guess I have another bug report to file.  Your commands above work
> fine on my machine.  I didn't think to try such a simple case, but
> instead changed my closesocket call to M$_closesocket and tried to
> compile.  I got an error.  I get the same error if I substitute for
> gcc in your example:

$ info gcc # search for `dollar'
     Accept `$' in identifiers.

> Thanks for the workaround.  As to the target audience, I'd personally
> like to include both.  The win for me here is being able to attract
> developers to my FOSS project without requiring them to buy M$ dev
> tools or even use windoze.  But if in the process I chase away all
> developers who prefer to use EVC on 'Doze for PPC development then I
> think it's a net loss.

Sounds reasonable. A default main function that called WinMain could
be provided like this:

const char *GetCommandLineW(void);
int WinMain(int hInstance, int hPrevInstance,
        const char *lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow);

int __attribute__((weak))
        return WinMain(0, 0, GetCommandLineW(), 0);

For your purpose, you can use...

#ifdef __GNUC__
int main()
        return WinMain(0, 0, GetCommandLineW(), 0);


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