On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 11:55:36AM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 10:58:16AM +0100, Christoph Schmidt-Hieber wrote:
> > Thanks for the patch. Note that we've just released 0.13.18-1:
> > 
> > https://packages.debian.org/sid/stimfit
> Oops, sorry I missed that - it must have been uploaded shortly after I
> pulled down the source.
> > It would be good to apply your patch upstream, but I was wondering how
> > your build-depends line would affect packaging for older releases
> > (wheezy and precise)? Is there a way to make this compatible across
> > releases?
> For wheezy-backports, wxwidgets3.0 is already backported, and I'm
> intending to also provide a backport of wxpython3.0 shortly.
> You can have alternates in Build-Depends, though the buildds will only
> try to install the first alternative.  So you could have something
> like this which would work for uploads to unstable:
> Build-Depends:
>     libwxgtk3.0-dev | libwxgtk2.8-dev,
>     python-wxgtk3.0 | python-wxgtk2.8,
>     python-wxgtk3.0-dev | python-wxgtk2.8
> This would also allow you to manually install the 2.8 packages and
> build, but it wouldn't work for uploading to build against 2.8 in wheezy
> backports, and nothing ensures you get a matching set (e.g.
> libwxgtk3.0-dev + python-wxgtk2.8 satisfies this).
> The approach I'd probably take would be keep a version of debian/control
> with the old BDs as something like debian/control-wx2.8, and then when
> you want to backport, just copy that over debian/control.

Applied upstream in 


I'm unsure whether we should release 0.13.19 including these changes
or use your NMU instead given that we've just uploaded 0.13.18 - Yaro,
what do you think?

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