Hi, Thomas. Thank you very much for your extra information regarding the package.
On Nov 27 2005, Thomas Tretzmüller wrote: > vrms points me at opera and xsnow. Right. I don't know about xsnow, but opera is correctly marked by Opera Software as non-free. > But I have also flashlpungin-nonfree, The flashplugin-nonfree, although having "nonfree" in its name is not really non-free, the way I understand it. It is free software (contrib) that depends on non-free software (the plugin from Macromedia). The same situation happens with, say, azureus. > realplayer and acrobat reader packages installed for the time being. I don't know about realplayer, but I do know about acrobat reader. Are you using the package made by by Christian Marillat? If yes, then the problem is that it is not marked as non-free. I guess that the proper solution would be to talk with him so that he changes it to non-free in future versions to correct this matter. If you are indeed using this package of his, please let him be aware of this by adding his e-mail to the recipient list of this mail (and kindly point him to this thread). > Hence the program doesn't get it right. It should probably do more > checks. Yes, it doesn't get it right. I have already thought of adding a "hook" into vrms to have it check a blacklist of packages, but I regard this as a last resort thing, since it doesn't scale properly and one would have to add manually packages to such blacklist and always be looking for new packages popping out there that are non-free packages but incorrectly packaged. We can't do much about that. The right way would be to have the packaging of it properly done. Regards, Rogério Brito. -- Rogério Brito : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito Homepage of the algorithms package : http://algorithms.berlios.de Homepage on freshmeat: http://freshmeat.net/projects/algorithms/