Thanks. I cleaned up and broke out your patch into logically separate
patches for submission upstream. I have one question, though. This one
is somewhat unrelated to the rest of your patch:
--- efibootmgr-0.7.0/src/include/scsi_ioctls.h 2014-04-01 22:53:43.000000000
+++ efibootmgr-0.7.0-my/src/include/scsi_ioctls.h 2014-07-04
00:38:13.336584399 +0400
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
} Scsi_Idlun;
-inline int get_scsi_idlun(int fd, Scsi_Idlun *idlun);
+int get_scsi_idlun(int fd, Scsi_Idlun *idlun);
int get_scsi_pci(int fd, char *slot_name, size_t size);
int idlun_to_components (Scsi_Idlun *idlun,
unsigned char *host,
I'm not terribly familiar with how Clang uses inline, but looking at
<>, I understand that
it's different from gcc. If you remove the inline there, should you also
remove it from the function definition in scsi_ioctls.c?
Jared Domínguez
Server OS Engineering
Dell | Enterprise Solutions Group
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