tag 339439 + moreinfo
tag 339439 + unreproducible
severity 339439 important


Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> > when an image is inserted in a presentation from a file, the image
> > colors are wrongly rendered during a fullscreen slide show.  The color
> > rendering is correct in the windowed view.  looks like color
> > transposition (black to blue for instance) and does not depend on
> > graphic format (same situation with tiff, jpeg, png and bmp).
> I couldn't reproduce this bug with an up to date sid chroot on my iBook.
> I tested several pictures all all looked fin in full screen mode.
> Nothing wrong, looks perfectly.

Thanks for testing. So I am downgrading the bug (it's not grave because
it doesn't happen for (almost) everyone) and am tagging it



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