Am 25.06.2014 07:56, schrieb Ben Caradoc-Davies:
> Package: udev
> Version: 204-11
> Severity: critical
> Justification: breaks the whole system
> Dear Maintainer,
> after the following dist-upgrade to udev 204-11, there was no offer to unlock
> luks on /dev/sda2, rendering the system unbootable. May be the same as #752591
> (/dev/sda* not created) but with different symptoms as /root is on a luks/lvm
> volume.

FYI, I've just setup a test-VM with luks/lvm and was not able to
reproduce the problem, so I'm a bit stuck with debugging this further.

Ben, could you include your /etc/{fstab,crypttab}

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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