Hello, It was reported [1] that Python built-in _json module have a flaw (insufficient bounds checking), which allows a local user to read current process' arbitrary memory. From initial bug report [1]: ... The sole prerequisites of this attack are that the attacker is able to control or influence the two parameters of the default scanstring function: the string to be decoded and the index.
The bug is caused by allowing the user to supply a negative index value. The index value is then used directly as an index to an array in the C code; internally the address of the array and its index are added to each other in order to yield the address of the value that is desired. However, by supplying a negative index value and adding this to the address of the array, the processor's register value wraps around and the calculated value will point to a position in memory which isn't within the bounds of the supplied string, causing the function to access other parts of the process memory. ... Can a CVE ID be assigned to this issue please? Also CC'ing the Debian bugreport here. References: [1] Upstream bug report with additional technical details: http://bugs.python.org/issue21529 [2] Debian bug tracker: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=752395 [3] RedHat bug tracker: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1112285 Thanks. -- Vasyl Kaigorodov | Red Hat Product Security Team PGP: 0xABB6E828 A7E0 87FF 5AB5 48EB 47D0 2868 217B F9FC ABB6 E828
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