forcemerge 750264 748547
reassign 750264 make 4.0-1
affects 750264 + input-utils

#750264 and #748547 are the same bug but 748547 has the wrong title.

The same version of input-utils builds fine on wheezy, it looks like
this bug is caused by Debian switching to make 4.0.

The problematic file:

$ cat Make.config 
-e LIB          := lib
$ grep -C2 Make.config GNUmakefile
# config
-include Make.config
include mk/

On jessie (make 4.0-8):

$ make -j1 distclean
Make.config:1: *** empty variable name.  Stop.

On wheezy (make 3.81-8.2):

$ make -j1 distclean
checking for libdir name ... lib
rm -f *.o mk/*.dep
rm -f Make.config
rm -f lsinput input-events input-kbd lircd.conf EV.h REL.h ABS.h MSC.h LED.h 
SND.h REP.h KEY.h BTN.h BUS.h SW.h *~ xpm/*~ *.bak


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