Severity: minor
Tags: patch

Hello there,

the code currently given generates markup such as
| <table width="%" ...

While this is only a bad parameter the very same bug screws up the
page where all developers are displayed as
| <table80 border="1" ...
thus effectively killing the table.

Once this is found and backtracked the attached patch seems obvious.

--- developer.wml.orig  2005-11-23 12:36:10.000000000 +0100
+++ developer.wml       2005-11-23 12:37:22.000000000 +0100
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
 function html_table($header, $data, $width, $class)
-    if($width == "") $width = " width=\"${width}%\"";
+    if($width != "") $width = " width=\"${width}%\"";
     if($class) $class = " class=\"$class\"";
     $table = "<table$width$class border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" 
cellspacing=\"1\" summary=\"\">";
     $table .= $header ;

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