On Jun 5, 2014, at 7:09 AM, Daniele Tricoli <er...@mornie.org> wrote:

> Hello Julien,
> thanks for packaging ndg-httpsclient!
> On Thursday 05 June 2014 12:26:22 Julien Cristau wrote:
>> My main interest is to be able to talk to websites using SNI with
>> scripts using python-requests.
> Once in the archive I will also add ndg-httpsclient into python-requests' 
> Suggests.
> Kind regards,
> P.S. I'll do the same for python-urllib3:
>     https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/pull/156
> -- 
> Daniele Tricoli 'Eriol'
> http://mornie.org

You need pyasn1, pyopenssl, and ndg-httpsclient in order for the 
requests/urllib3 stuff to kick in.

It’d probably be a sane idea to use recommends, at least on Python 2.x since 
using that also
prevents CRIME and the like which Python 2.x is vulnerable to else wise IIRC.

Donald Stufft
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