Control: reassign -1 src:python-debian
Control: forcemerge 655988 -1

On Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 10:09:08PM +0200, Benjamin Drung wrote:
> The merged package definitions were separated by one line containing a
> space (line 20 of your control file), but they should be separated by
> one empty line. That's the reason why the package definitions were
> joined.

Which is a bug in python-debian that has yet to be fixed.  Adding this
one to the list.

> wrap-and-sort should behave better in case of such an malformed control
> file. It could strip all trailing spaces before parsing the file with
> python-debian.

That would be a viable workaround, but it would be better to fix

GPG Key: 4096R/331BA3DB 2011-12-05 James McCoy <>

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