Control: reassign -1 ruby-soap4r 2.0.5-3

On Mon, 26 May 2014 00:07:40 +0200 Francesco Poli wrote:

> For some reason that I cannot understand, Ruby at some point seems to
> consider this string as ASCII-8BIT and cannot concatenate it with a
> UTF-8 string. Hence, when using a localization where the translation of
> "Fixed" includes non-ASCII UTF-8 characters (one such localization is
> the Swedish "Tillrättade"), an Encoding::CompatibilityError is
> generated...
> As I said, I cannot understand why Ruby is convinced that the subject
> line of bug #717391 is encoded in ASCII-8BIT.
> Hence, I seem to understand that this subject line is sent as a
> base64-encoded UTF-8 string. I failed to figure out where Ruby begins
> to consider it as ASCII-8BIT.

On a second thought, I am under the impression that it should be the
responsibility of the SOAP library to return UTF-8 strings with the
encoding correctly set, so that Ruby knows how to handle them.

I am reassigning the bug report to package ruby-soap4r, in the hope
that the actual issue may be fixed there.

Please note that, if I force apt-listbugs to interpret the subject line
of bugs as UTF-8 encoded strings (by modifying a single line of code
in  /usr/share/apt-listbugs/debian/bug.rb , see the attached diff),
the issue with
  $ LC_ALL=sv_SE.UTF-8 apt-listbugs list sound-juicer
seems to vanish.
However, I am afraid that this would *not* be a general solution: what
if, for some other bug subject line, the BTS SOAP interface returns a
string which is not UTF-8 encoded? I think that funny characters would
be displayed by apt-listbugs, if it took every subject line as always
encoded in UTF-8... Or am I wrong?
This is the reasoning that made me think the issue is actually in
ruby-soap4r. I hope it may be fixed there in a proper way.


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