On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 03:24:26PM +0200, Sebastian Reichel wrote:
> Hi Hilmar and Brice,
> On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 12:59:06PM +0200, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
> > In https://bugs.debian.org/743362 you requested me to include the
> > provided biblatex module. I've included it and got now a bug report
> > telling me that BIBINPUTS and the bibtex.path variable is ignored
> > now. I told the submitter to remove your module and he reported that
> > it solved the problem.
> > 
> > Please be so kind to provide a new module fixing this regression.
> BIBINPUTS is not used by biber(1p), which is called instead of
> bibtex(1) for latex documents using biblatex.

My biber (from Debian package 1.8-1) uses BIBINPUTS.
I get this output when just asking for biblio.bib
  INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'foo/biblio.bib'

> I guess, that Brice's document tries to use biblatex and bibtex at
> the same time.

I don't understand what this means :)

> This may have worked without the plugin, since all
> biblatex stuff was ignored, but fails once both packages are
> analyzed.
> Brice, can you create a minimal example triggering your problem,
> or at least sent the bib* related lines from your LaTeX files?

Here's a tarball containing a .tex and a .bib in the foo subdirectory.
This command from inside the extracted tarball
  BIBINPUTS=foo rubber -v -d bar           
works when your biblatex.py is not installed,
but it fails when it's installed:
  'biblio.bib' does not exist
  There were errors compiling bar.

Note my latex file forces rubber to rerun biber when the bcf changed.
Otherwise, I have to run rubber, run biber, and rerun rubber with -f.
That may be related, but removing these rules doesn't solve the issue.


Attachment: bib.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

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