On 01/06/2014 13:40, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Am 01.06.2014 10:05, schrieb Francois Mescam:
>> After entering the password (with NL it's the same) I obtain a line on
>> tty9 :
>> login[...]: FAILED LOGIN (1) on '/dev/tty1' for 'UNKNOWN' user not known
>> to the underlying authetication
> That looks odd. Do you have more information in the log files (auth.log)?
> This looks like a PAM issue.
I have nothing in auth.log relative to that.
> Is there something special about your setup?
I don't think.
>> I try to run run sulogin on a virtual console, it works correctly.
> As you can see, /lib/systemd/system/rescue.service does not a lot more
> then simply running sulogin. So I'm puzzled by this.
It is why I do this test.

 Francois Mescam Tel:+33 6 16 05 77 61

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