Now that is back, I can install
pepperflashplugin-nonfree, but...

* flash works as before (it reproduces some sites, but fails on the
checking of many others)
* I still do not see the plugin listed when I access chrome://plugins
* I saw the package gets the official chrome browser .deb file; I'm
not sure what it actually does, but I'm one of those persons who uses
chromium because some reasons, and I'm not sure if I still do it if
with this plugin.

Thanks in advance.

On 31 May 2014 18:42, Sergio Fernández <> wrote:
> OK, thanks, I was not aware of such circumstantial.
> As soon as is back (the package check some data
> there) I'll check if that solves my issues.
> --
> Sergio Fernández


Sergio Fernández <>

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