On Sat, Apr 05, 2014 at 12:41:17PM -0300, Miguel Landaeta wrote:
> More and more Java software handles their dependencies through Maven,
> so it would be very useful if this package installed their artifacts in
> the Maven repository at /usr/share/maven-repo.

The documentation for maven-repo-helper seems to assume that one of some
set of tools (maven, ant, etc.) are used and that there's an accessible
pom.xml, either as part of the project or available from a repository.
I checked search.maven.org and mvnrepository.com, neither of which has
one for Subversion's java bindings.

It'd be preferable to have the distro-independent portions driven
through upstream, both in terms of helping the broader community and
working with people that are likely more familiar with what you're
trying to achieve.

I'd be open to making changes to support your goal, but I'm pretty
unfamiliar with things Java related.  If you could provide patches, I'll
provide feedback.

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