Jakub Wilk <jw...@debian.org> writes:

> elinks follows HTTP 302 redirects to file:// URLs. This can cause
> information disclosure or, if protocol.file.allow_special_files is
> enabled, denial of service:

If a local user is running ELinks and getting the output to a
terminal, then ELinks will display the contents of the file to
the user, but the user would have been able to read the file
anyway, so I don't think this is a problem.

If a daemon gets a request from an untrusted user, runs ELinks,
collects its output and sends it back to the user, then this
behavior can cause unwanted disclosure of information.  I suspect
such daemons should use elinks -anonymous, which disables local
file browsing.

If the original URI redirects to a http URL, then -anonymous
doesn't prevent it.  Such a request too might be able to access
resources that the original user cannot:
* Saved HTTP cookies or Kerberos tickets might satisfy access
  controls on the HTTP server.  I think the daemon can ensure
  that the user account doesn't have these, so ELinks needn't
  be changed to explicitly block them when -anonymous is used.
* Access control by client IP address, IPsec, or servers at
  private IP addresses.  I don't think ELinks should be
  responsible of restricting access to such servers.

> $ elinks -eval 'set protocol.file.allow_special_files=1' -dump 
> 'http://httpbin.org/redirect-to?url=file:///dev/urandom'

That option is just asking for trouble.
Anyway, the daemon can use setrlimit(2) to make the error occur sooner.

> ERROR at /build/elinks-PqPvvp/elinks-0.12~pre6/src/util/memory.c:34: Out of 
> memory (realloc returned NULL): retry #1/3, I still exercise my patience and 
> retry tirelessly.
> ERROR at /build/elinks-PqPvvp/elinks-0.12~pre6/src/util/memory.c:34: Out of 
> memory (realloc returned NULL): retry #2/3, I still exercise my patience and 
> retry tirelessly.
> ERROR at /build/elinks-PqPvvp/elinks-0.12~pre6/src/util/memory.c:46: Out of 
> memory (realloc returned NULL) after 3 tries, I give up and try to continue. 
> Pray for me, please.
> ELinks: Out of memory

Because -dump was used, recovering from this out-of-memory error
does not make sense.

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