I'm running on a wheezy system and I'll note that SASL authentication in memcached clients is broken/non-existent there as well.

I started with trying to get it working in php5-memcached.

That's not build with --enable-memcached-sasl, so that's the issue there.

However, that doesn't completely work because although libmemcached is supposed to be built with SASL by default, its not in the wheezy build (1.0.8) due to the bug described here:

The attached patch fixes that, but then requires rebuilding dependent packages, like php5-memcached, against that new library.

Additionally, I'll note that it'd be nice if memcached were build with --enable-sasl-pwdb so that a few simple environment variables (SASL_CONF_PATH and MEMCACHED_SASL_PWDB) could be exported in /etc/default/memcached in order to use flat password files easily.

Let me know if you need any other details from me.

Description: Fix SASL build support
 See Also: http://serverfault.com/questions/431552/configuring-sasl-support-in-libmemcached
Author: Brian Kroth <bpkr...@gmail.com>
Last-Update: 2014-03-27
Forwarded: no

--- a/m4/ax_sasl.m4
+++ b/m4/ax_sasl.m4
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
     AX_CHECK_LIBRARY([LIBSASL], [sasl/sasl.h], [sasl2],[
-      ax_cv_sasl=yes
+      ac_enable_sasl=yes
       ], [
-      ax_cv_sasl=no 
+      ac_enable_sasl=no 
     AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_SASL, test "x${ac_enable_sasl}" = "xyes")

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