On Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:01:39 +1100
Drew Parsons <dpars...@debian.org> wrote:

> Grace is one of the most useful packages in the entire archive.  

... for 0.34% of users of the archive, maybe. To me, it is simply an RC
buggy package which has had no new development upstream since 2012 and
which depends on an obsolete, abandoned library. Unless it can be
ported, it will need to be removed alongside t1lib.

Those who care about grace need to scratch their own itch and fix it.

> I am not aware of anything other package that provides the same degree
> of functionality.
> Removing it is not a good idea.

Removing it is necessary, as explained. t1lib has been superseded and
packages which used to use it need to migrate. The other packages have
already done so, those which fail to do so cannot be supported when the
underlying dependency has been abandoned.


Neil Williams

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