
sorry, "tomorrow" took slightly longer to arrive...

On Mittwoch, 12. März 2014, Dave Steele wrote:
> I've tested this against the full pejacevik configuration, with no issues.

> > five-holger(8)
> 92d63d4 pkgsummary documentation cleanup
> dcba555 Change pkgsummary 'summ' references to 'summary'


> c4fb1d4 Improve pkgsummary reliability and testability

Andreas, can you please comment on this? Does that merge with your upcoming 
commits too?

> 9a92575 test_pkgsummary.py: Initial pkgsummary tests

includes a typo: ittp instead of http

> 513680c conf.py: Add get_std_distro()

please dont disable that/those time sensitive test/s.  

> 38b06eb piuparts-report.py: Support default reporting-section definition

good thing not to create a summary when no section is defined, but please 
log(ging.info) a hint saying so

> 1b976cb conf.py: _map_distro properly for '*-proposed'
> 7af5845 conf.py: Add _map_distro() support for all others

Besides these comments, I'd like to merge this into develop now, but I'll wait 
for Andreas' feedback.

Dave, what/where's the bug / patch to make DDPO use this?


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