On 2014-02-14 17:03:02, anarcat wrote:
> I tried the workarounds proposed in the bug report:
>  1. changing the user in the service file
>  2. changing the home directory (sudo usermod debian-transmission -d 
> /var/lib/transmission-daemon/)
>  3. adding -g to the service file
Alright, I finally got it to work, with similar steps than #22.

Here's what I did:

 1. override the service file in

 2. create the home directory *and* related .config directory:

    usermod debian-transmission -d /var/lib/transmission-daemon
    mkdir -p /var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config/transmission-daemon
    chown -R debian-transmission /var/lib/transmission-daemon

 3. optionally: migrate my old status files:

    cd /var/lib/transmission-daemon/ ; mv info/* .config/transmission-daemon 

 4. start with systemd:

    systemctl start transmission-daemon

This works!

Here's the modified service file: 

Description=Transmission BitTorrent Daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/transmission-daemon -f --log-error


Notice how I *don't* import the environment from the existing defaults
file, which is a shame because we loose some settings, but this is
unavoidable because --config-dir really breaks everything.

Maybe there would be a way to still import $OPTIONS from the defaults
yet override the --config-dir somehow to fix those problems?

Anyways, it would be nice to have a clean upgrade path here. :)

Thanks for the help and pointers to the folks in #debian-systemd!


PS: I opened bug report #739071 in systemd regarding the difficulties I
had diagnosing that core dump. I feel we were just shooting in the dark,
and that's a problem...

Antoine Beaupré +++ Réseau Koumbit Networks +++ +1.514.387.6262 #208

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