Hi Jude

I think your issue is recorded in bug 735202 [1]. Could you verify the
kernel number for me by running
uname -a


[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=735202

For the record, this mail was sent to debian-accessibil...@lists.debian.org

On 24-01-14 11:05, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> I am running debian_version: jessie/sid on an amd64 athelon k8 machine and 
> using speakup and speakup_soft for speech.  I would have used reportbug to 
> report this problem however after running dpkg-reconfig --priority=low 
> exim4-config and answering all of the questions to get exim4 set up some 
> problem exists that prevents this machine from sending email.
> If I don't have text in the speakup clipboard as a result of any operation 
> and hit the speakup paste key combination, sometimes that crashes debian 
> and someimes speakup says paste.  Whenever I have text in the speakup 
> clipboard as a result of a speakup mark operation followed by a speakup 
> cut operation and then I hit the speakup paste operation combination of 
> keys debian crashes.  A debian crash consists of loosing speakup and this 
> also renders all keyboard command combinations useless.  The only way I 
> get control restored is to power off the computer with an emergency power 
> down with the power button on the computer then reboot the machine.  I 
> have this debian installation up to date and one of those updates was a 
> speakup update in a kernel that got distributed that caused this problem.  
> Between the time this installation had been done originally and now, 
> speakup must have been updated at least once since it didn't do this with 
> a paste operation just after original installation.  Those on the 
> linux-speakup list think I'm running wheezy which has this problem when it 
> has it because its version of speakup in the kernel is not up to date, but 
> this is not the case.  I don't know if jessie/sid shares that same status 
> as does wheezy.
> jude <jdash...@shellworld.net>

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