On 01/22/2014 01:57 PM, gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jan 2014 20:03:16 +0000, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
>> The version of tuxguitar in wheezy still depends on xulrunner-10.0,
>> whereas wheezy now has iceweasel 17 and will shortly (at least via
>> -security) have 24.
> *sigh*
> Thanks for spotting this!
>> Would it be possible to update the package to support newer iceweasel
>> versions? 
> I suppose so; at least what's happening since years is that new
> xulrunner versions are prepended to Depends, and so far noone has
> complained, so this should work for 17 and 24 in stable as well as it
> has before with these versions in sid/testing.
> Of course if someone could test it (I don't have a stable machine
> with X anywhere) that would be nice.
>> Please prepare a proposed debdiff and open a pu bug against
>> release.debian.org to discuss that.
> Will do so after feedback from the actual maintainers (I'm just
> helping out with this package ...).
> (Philippe, tony: Changes are in git in a new wheezy branch.)

Hi Adam, hi Gregor -

Gregor, thank you for the updates.  I'm attaching the proposed debdiff
output for the upload.  I'll build a wheezy VirtualBox this weekend to test.

diff -Nru tuxguitar-1.2/debian/changelog tuxguitar-1.2/debian/changelog
--- tuxguitar-1.2/debian/changelog      2012-02-25 11:41:46.000000000 -0800
+++ tuxguitar-1.2/debian/changelog      2014-01-22 13:56:47.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+tuxguitar (1.2-13+deb7u1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * debian/control: update list of supported xulrunner versions in
+    tuxguitar's Depends. (Closes: #736365)
+ -- gregor herrmann <gre...@debian.org>  Wed, 22 Jan 2014 22:23:05 +0100
 tuxguitar (1.2-13) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Philippe Coval ]
diff -Nru tuxguitar-1.2/debian/control tuxguitar-1.2/debian/control
--- tuxguitar-1.2/debian/control        2012-02-25 11:41:46.000000000 -0800
+++ tuxguitar-1.2/debian/control        2014-01-22 13:56:47.000000000 -0800
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- xulrunner-10.0 | xulrunner-9.0 | xulrunner-8.0 | xulrunner-7.0 | 
xulrunner-6.0 | xulrunner-5.0 | xulrunner-1.9.1,
+ xulrunner-24.0 | xulrunner-17.0 | xulrunner-10.0 | xulrunner-1.9.1,
 Recommends: tuxguitar-alsa (= ${source:Version}), tuxguitar-oss (= 
 Suggests: tuxguitar-jsa (= ${source:Version}), lilypond
File lists identical (after any substitutions)

Control files of package tuxguitar: lines which differ (wdiff format)
Depends: default-jre | java2-runtime, libitext-java, libswt-gtk-3-java, 
libswt-cairo-gtk-3-jni, libswt-webkit-gtk-3-jni, [-xulrunner-10.0 | 
xulrunner-9.0 | xulrunner-8.0-] {+xulrunner-24.0+} | [-xulrunner-7.0-] 
{+xulrunner-17.0+} | [-xulrunner-6.0 | xulrunner-5.0-] {+xulrunner-10.0+} | 
Installed-Size: [-4685-] {+4686+}
Recommends: tuxguitar-alsa (= [-1.2-13),-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1),+} tuxguitar-oss (= 
[-1.2-13)-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1)+}
Suggests: tuxguitar-jsa (= [-1.2-13),-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1),+} lilypond
Version: [-1.2-13-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1+}

Control files of package tuxguitar-alsa: lines which differ (wdiff format)
Depends: libasound2 (>= 1.0.16), libc6 (>= 2.2.5), tuxguitar (= [-1.2-13)-] 
Version: [-1.2-13-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1+}

Control files of package tuxguitar-fluidsynth: lines which differ (wdiff format)
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5), libfluidsynth1, tuxguitar (= [-1.2-13),-] 
{+1.2-13+deb7u1),+} fluidsynth
Version: [-1.2-13-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1+}

Control files of package tuxguitar-jack: lines which differ (wdiff format)
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5), libjack-jackd2-0 (>= 1.9.5~dfsg-14) | libjack-0.116, 
tuxguitar (= [-1.2-13),-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1),+} libjack-dev
Version: [-1.2-13-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1+}

Control files of package tuxguitar-jsa: lines which differ (wdiff format)
Depends: tuxguitar (= [-1.2-13),-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1),+} default-jre | 
sun-java6-jre | sun-java5-jre
Installed-Size: [-75-] {+76+}
Version: [-1.2-13-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1+}

Control files of package tuxguitar-oss: lines which differ (wdiff format)
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5), tuxguitar (= [-1.2-13),-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1),+} 
Version: [-1.2-13-] {+1.2-13+deb7u1+}

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