close 713971

On 01/19/2014 01:31 PM, Wolfgang Schnitker wrote:
> It is possible to scan now with multiarch and libsane:i386 installed.


> This will solve the problem, that using SANE and googleearth debian
> amd64 package at the same time on an amd64-system was not possible,
> because googleearth 64bit is using i386 runtime environment with
> ia32libs as recommended package. This includes libsane:i386 and stops HP
> OfficeJet from working (and Probably other combinations too, i.e. SKYPE)

Ah, the Google Earth package shouldn't actually recommend "ia32libs"
anymore since this package has become obsolete with the introduction
of MultiArch.

Which Google Earth packaging are you using? I have been the sponsor
of the googleearth-package [1] in Debian and if it actually still
recommends "ia32libs", we should probably file a bug.

Closing this bug report nontheless, thanks for testing! And feel
free to re-open in case the problem comes back.


> [1]

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin -
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