control: tags -1 + pending

Hi Ivo,

On Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014, Ivo De Decker wrote:
> Currently, upgrade reports use the source version number of the source
> package in the release configured as 'distro' in piuparts.conf. For
> sid2experiment this is the version in experimental, but for testing2sid
> this is the version in testing. It probably makes more sense to associate
> upgrade issues with the newer version (the one we are upgrading to), than
> with the older version (the one we are upgrading from). For binary
> packages, this is already done. The attached patch should fix this, by
> using the source info from the final distribution instead of the 'distro'
> one.

cool, thanks, merged and pushed to pejacevic! So visible in an 3h or so :)


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