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On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 22:40:58 +0700 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Francesco Poli
> <> wrote:
> > Please switch to Ruby 1.9: installing package ruby1.9.1 should suffice
> > (it should automatically set itself as the default Ruby interpreter
> > and the command "ruby -v" should print
> > ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]).
> >
> > Please let me know whether this fixes the issue.
> Yes, it does.

Good, thanks for the feedback.

> Thanks.

You're welcome!

> I install the 'ruby' dependency package instead,
> to get the current default (ruby1.9.1), and apt-listbugs gets back to
> work again.

That's fine.

> Do you think declaring Break: against ruby1.8 a good idea?
> (Whether apt-listbugs or ruby-debian should do this is beyond my
> knowledge.)

In my humble opinion, if a package should declare to break ruby1.8, it
should be the one which dropped support for it (ruby-debian, in the
present case).
But I am not even convinced that "Breaks" is the correct relationship:
after all, the problem was not that ruby1.8 was installed (some other
packages may still specifically depend on ruby1.8, until the
ruby1.8-removal transition is completed); the problem was that ruby1.8
was set as the system-wide default Ruby interpreter. This may be set
automatically, but also manually decided by the sysadmin (root)...

A hopefully general solution is currently being investigated on the
debian-ruby mailing list:

I am keeping this bug report open for the time being, but I am under
the impression that nothing should change on apt-listbugs side.
As a consequence, I may decide to close it (or reassign it to
ruby-debian), sooner or later.

Bye and thanks again for reporting the issue.

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