tag 731064 + fixed pending

Greetings, Aurélien and Julien. Thanks for helping in this matter.

I have successfully rebuilt the package using the patch provided by
Aurélien. I have also sent an email to upstream asking to check to
which extent they still need to include the boost_aux "convenience"
source code in the source tarball.

Anyhow, I'll upload the package real soon now, *closing* this bug. If
it is not advisable to do so, please tell. Thanks again.


On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 12:07:08AM +0100, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
tag 731064 + patch

On Sun, Dec 01, 2013 at 03:53:50PM +0100, Julien Cristau wrote:
Source: libpwiz
Version: 3.0.4624-4
Severity: serious
Justification: fails to build from source


your package fails to build on some architectures, see the build logs at

The problem is that libpwiz sources contains boost_aux, which have been
partly integrated into recent version of boost. In the build failure
case here, the atomic version in boost is slightly different, so mixing
the two versions causes failure depending on how the atomics are
implemented on the architecture.

The patch below remove the atomic part of boost_aux, so that the one
from boost is used instead. This way of doing also means we libpwiz
will benefit from improvement from boost, especially the ones from boost
1.55 which implement atomics for all architectures, using the new gcc
atomic builtins.

With this patch libpwiz builds fine on at least amd64, s390x and mips.

diff -Nru libpwiz-3.0.4624/debian/rules libpwiz-3.0.4624/debian/rules
--- libpwiz-3.0.4624/debian/rules       2013-12-09 10:27:44.000000000 +0000
+++ libpwiz-3.0.4624/debian/rules       2013-12-29 19:24:46.000000000 +0000
@@ -82,6 +82,10 @@
        # software in a separate build directory.
        cp -rpf autotools libraries pwiz pwiz_tools $(BUILD_DIR)

+       # Remove parts of boost_aux now integrated in boost
+       rm $(BUILD_DIR)/libraries/boost_aux/boost/atomic.hpp
+       rm -r $(BUILD_DIR)/libraries/boost_aux/boost/atomic
        cd $(BUILD_DIR) && autotools/configure --prefix=/usr && \
        VERBOSE=1 $(MAKE) && \
        VERBOSE=1 DESTDIR=$(INSTALL_DIR) $(MAKE) install

Filippo Rusconi, PhD - public crypto key C78F687C @ pgp.mit.edu
Researcher at CNRS and Debian Developer <lopi...@debian.org>
Author of ``massXpert''     at http://www.massxpert.org

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