Control: tags -1 +pending +patch

Hi Nicolas,

Le lundi, 5 août 2013, 17.03:55 Nicolas Boulenguez a écrit :
> Hello. Please consider the attached changes, inspired by
> /etc/init.d/skeleton and
> ric/iniscrptact.html. The skeleton may suggest many other easy
> improvements in calls to start-stop-daemon, but I lack knowledge of
> CUPS to decide such changes.

Awesome, thank you very much. I have applied most of your changes but 

> Include /lib/init/ and respect VERBOSE when appropriate.

I'm a very skeptical about the use of the VERBOSE variable in general 
and don't think the individual initscripts should handle that. Boot 
verbosity should be controlled directly by the init daemon, not spread 
in all packages, IMHO.

That said, I applied all your other changes, thanks!


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