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On 2014-01-02 15:09:40, Francesco Poli (wintermute) wrote:
> I thought of another feature that it would be really great to have in
> zathura: there should be an option to set a number of pages to
> prefetch into the page cache.
> Proposed name and description (for the man page) follow:
>   pages-prefetch
>       Defines the number N of pages (after and before the currently visible
>       one) that will be prefetched into the page cache.  This ensures that
>       the page cache will always contain at least the currently visible
>       page, the next N pages, and the previous N pages.  Values larger than
>       (page-cache-size - 1)/2 will be reset to this theoretical maximum.
>       · Value type: Integer
>       · Default value: 1
> With this new feature, it would be possible to get rid of the rendering
> delay that causes an unpleasant short blanking/flicker when the user
> steps pages forward or backward (for instance, when showing a PDF
> presentation...).
> I hope this is feasible.
> Please implement this feature and/or forward my bug report upstream.

There is a bug for that in the upstream bug tracker.

Sebastian Ramacher

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